Photo: Marikken Omvik
trueandtrue plays driven and energetic post-hardcore.
Playful yet genre-conscious, you are served a hard- hitting, emotional, and exploratory sonic landscape. The combination of clever guitar parts and expressive vocals creates an exciting universe where you'd prefer to stay put.
For fans of bands like La Dispute, Touche Amore, and mewithoutyou, trueandtrue's music will find its way onto your favorites list. With their first series of singles, the band has showcased themselves as an exploratory and uninhibited group.
Their songs have garnered attention both internationally and nationally, from outlets like GAFFA, A&R Factory, Reflections of Darkness, and disharmoni.
They have also been featured regularly on national radio.
"This is a band with a sound that rightfully garners more and more attention within the Norwegian music scene." - GAFFA.no about trueandtrue
“By finding the perfect balance between evocative lyrical triggers and experimental explorations that stamp down their ensnaring sonic signature that has more teeth than a whale shark, trueandtrue stayed true to the form of their moniker in their third release. We can’t wait to hear what follows.”
A&R Factory om ‘This is The Last Time’
Vocals / Guitar│Vincent Engebretsen
Bass │Nicolay Kjærnet
Guitar│Simen Winje
Drums │Gaute Andreassen Falch
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trueandtrueband/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trueandtrueband
Urørt: https://urort.p3.no/artist/trueandtrue
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2erV4cBumDBDVKUpfNu4n8